Online Registration


Prior to enrolling in Lead Project Designer, you must have completed the specified prerequisites (if you have not taken a prerequisite, you can click on the catalog code link to see a list of upcoming course sections):

Lead Supervisor

This course is designed for supervisors of lead abatement projects disturbing painted surfaces in pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities. Abatement supervisors must become certified in accordance with EPA regulations (40 CFR Part 745). This EPA-approved course includes comprehensive training in regulatory requirements, abatement techniques, and occupant protection plans, and community relations during lead abatement projects. (Please call 864-250-8438 for information about specific state approvals for this course.) Since 2010, individuals performing non-abatement maintenance or renovation activities that disturb painted surfaces must also be a Certified Lead Renovator. Lead Supervisors will also need this additional one day course if they are performing applicable work.

Requires pre-notification to regulatory authorities and may be used for licensing as a lead abatement professional in NC, SC and FL.

Please contact Joy Finch for information about out-of-town classes at (864)250-8155 or

Lead Supervisor Refresher

Contractors performed abatement activities involving lead-based paint in pre-1978 housing and child occupied facilities must maintain certification in accordance with EPA regulations. The LEAD SUPERVISOR training IS A PRE-REQUISITE FOR THIS REFRESHER COURSE mandated by EPA and NC regulations. EPA requires attendance at least once every three years, while NC and other states mandate refresher training within 24 months of the last course completion.

This class may be used for licensing as a lead abatement professional in NC, SC and FL. Other states may also accept this training - please contact your state regulatory agency to determine whether or not they accept EPA-approved training.

Please contact Joy Finch for information about out-of-town classes at (864)250-8155 or

If you have previously taken courses with us, check your Registration History to see if any of your past courses meet the prerequisites.

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